I have to be honest and say a 60 day challenge is cracking up to be a lot! If we were to ever do something like this again I think I'll stick to 30 days! But here we are day 9 trucking along, God's showing up, friends are sharing and donating and for that I am very thankful! Very! While chatting with a friend today about how uncomfortable I am personally messaging friends and asking them to donate, posting, re posting and posting about the challenge some more she said one sentence that stuck with me and I hope will you also..
"We are fighting for one who can not fight for herself!"
Our sweet Molly can not at two years old fight for herself. She just like our other children here depend on us even while she is in China for what she needs. Yes her immediate needs are being met in China but her long term needs, to be in a family and come to know the love of Jesus Christ, to be fed, to be held, to be loved, to grow up in the greatest country on earth, to have siblings and a wonderful family and so much more! Molly needs us and the best way we can serve her right now is to work as hard as we can to get her as fast as we can!! The Bible commands us all to care for orphans, like we've said before not everyone is called to adopt but all are called by God, to care for orphans. Prayer, fostering, adopting, donating to families who are adopting, buying Christmas presents for Foster kiddos, and so much more, everyone can help somewhere! It's been so exciting to see so many of our friends and family rising to the call to care for the orphans, may it be to help us bring Molly home or to serve in other ways!
We learned some really exciting news about Molly a couple of days ago. Are you ready for it? Molly is not in an orphanage!!! Molly is with a foster family!!! This is really wonderful news for my momma heart!! I don't know much more than that but it's just wonderful news for many many reasons and we are tickled!
OK the next steps are that our home study is finished by Mid May and heads to Columbia SC with a check for $225.00. As soon as that goes we have a third agency payment due of $2800.00 and our 1800A immigration paperwork goes to the US Government with a check of $890.00. Once all of that starts to process we will begin to prepare our Dossier to China, you'll see me refer to DTC and that is what that means. Our Dossier is 13 super important documents that goes to the Chinese Government. We hope to be DTC by early to mid August and from then friends the bottom line is that the estimated travel for folks who are already matched is 4-6 months! We could have Molly as soon as November but also as late as January. We are now praying she'll be here by Christmas, can you imagine??
Thank you for your support, your prayers and your donations. This is been a crazy God ordained journey and we are so thankful y'all are along for the ride!
SOO exciting!!