Sunday, April 7, 2013

Just waiting...

Just waiting.. So much of this process is just waiting.. We are still waiting on news back from the Oprhanage, still waiting on PA, although thats only been a few days so that doesn't seem too long. Just wating. We are preparing for our first home study visit this week on Thursday am, thats super exciting! We are also preparing for our 2nd Garage sale on Saturday the 13th! Already this one has been a huge success so far! We had some really nice items to sell before hand on craigslist and God has been faithful to bring full price buyers for those things! Already we have made almost what we did on the whole sale last time! Thank you Lord! And thank you to those who have donated! Our shed is full, almost to the roof with items. The Lawnmower or 4 wheeler can't even fit in there! Yay! During our waiting our other three little treasures have been keeping us busy. Soccer, piano, compression fractures (Thomas) birthday parties and more! Hopefully this week we'll have PA and can share our sweetie with you all! Eek!!!


  1. what happened to thomas?

  2. You don't know me... but my husband and I are just beginning the adoption jouney (domestic though). Monica P sent me the link to your blog. I pray that you and that sweet baby girl in China are united swiftly!!
