You've seen me make reference to her medical special needs before on here. What are they you may ask? First let me say that I have come to learn there are two schools of thoughts on this whole deal. To disclose or not to disclose. Molly doesn't have much privacy and we have mostly been an open book through out this whole deal. For a while we wanted to keep her personal stuff private. And we have.. but as we've been praying about it and reflecting on the situation we've come to understand a few things. First of all, we wouldn't have said yes to Molly if it weren't for other families who had divulged information, opened their hearts, and telephones, for lengthy conversations with me, some all the way across the country, to help me better understand Molly's situation. I am so thankful for them and their willingness to be open about what they had gone through! Second of all, your going to find out anyway, eventually. Molly will need surgery at some point when she gets here and we'll want to share with you & ask you to pray for us. We didn't share right away because it took us a while to come to understand how we were going to handle this and to fully start to process what our life will now look like with this amazing blessing in our life. So without further adu...
Molly has unrepaired Spinabifida and a club foot....
If born in the USA Molly would have been born via c section and would have been operated on right away. This precious angel is now 2 and has been like this for too long... The mass that Molly has is really, really low down on her back near her bottom, honestly we don't know for sure what it is but we have sought the prayers and advice of all sorts of medical professionals. Including but not limited to a Neurosurgeon, a Peds ER Dr. at MUSC, our Pediatrician, OT's, PT's, friends with children who have this and so much more. We did everything on our end to research all we could about the care that Molly would need and what her sweet little life will look like with this condition. Once home she'll need a sedated MRI at MUSC to determine exactly what we are dealing with, from there I am sure surgery will be scheduled to remove it. Our prayer is that it is the type of Spinabifia that is a fatty mass, I do not suspect her spinal cord is in the pouch. A big concern with Spinabifida is paralysis.
We don't think Molly is paralyzed.... If you've watched her video you can see her moving her legs, like crazy! She isn't walking unassisted but is trying! Honestly we feel like she isn't walking because of her club foot and because she is most likely developmentally delayed. Most children with Inter country adoption are.. It's going to be a hard year, we are prepared, we have done all we can and will continue to, to prepare for her. Our prayer is at the end of the 1st year our precious Molly will have had her mass removed, her club foot repaired ( this will likely involve casting and or surgery) and that she will be happy, healthy and well adjusted in her forever family. Yes we know it will be hard.. If you've been around for a while you know Hartley totally threw our family for a curve ball. She was really really hard.. Severe colic, reflux, it was not fun. That was really hard because I didn't expect her to be hard. We are expecting sweet Molly to be slightly challenging with her adjusting, and her special medical needs, but hoping it will be a little easier because we are preparing ourselves for it.. The bottom line and the peace that the Lord finally gave us is that
she is our daughter & the Lord will equip us in any way that we need! Please continue to pray for Molly, for the process to continue at a swift pace, for her precious foster momma, for our family & for the fundraising. Mollys theme song is God is able, we are proclaiming that moving forward with Molly!
EDIT* What we know about Spinabifida is that the lower down on the spine the better, hers is as low as it could go! 20% of people walk around with Spinabifida and you'd never know it. Also we created a new video bc we are going to be featured on a blog the week of May 5th called Give $1 Save 1 and I needed a new shorter video more geared directly towards Molly*
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