Saturday, April 20, 2013

Great fundraising day! ( ticker update again!)

Today was the first time I had a table at an event to make money for Molly's adoption. With it being at a church and with lot's of people I knew there, and being the kids preschool, and a church we love and serve at, and where the kids play Upward soccer, I had hoped it would go well! We had sweet little cards that my friend Anne made and our friends at Postnet printed, soaps from Goat's milk stuff, clay jewrly from Compelled Designs and bags from my sister AnnaBelle! I had a fancy card reader and was ready to go! I'd hand everyone a card with a picture of sweet Molly on it and start my speal. This is where all those years of working baby fairs helped me! Put something in their hand, talk fast and hope for the best! Thankfully once they saw sweet Molly's face many of them wanted to bring her home as bad as we do! We did great today and I would love to work more craft fairs if you all have events at your churches or schools that you want to share! The day was also super successful becasue we met our goal again for our Give $10 change a life! To date we've had 16 donors each 5 days which as raised a total of $800.00 so far! We are on our way! Thank you all! Here is our table from today, simple and sweet and my scary Tiger who had a wonderful time at the Spring Fling!  Update! We just hit $5000.00 in our adoption fundraising!! Woohoo!

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