Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fundraising, again..

It's hard to be here.. It's hard to be in place of relying on God and your friends to donate to help bring a child home. Selfishly I don't want to be here. It's not comfortable here. It's uncomfortable to ask friends and family for money! What I've learned through the journey to bring Molly home, and now to bring Wills home is that often time there is growth in the uncomfortable situations. Sometimes being uncomfortable is right where the Lord wants us to be! We often times think that we can do it all. Who needs help, let alone a savior. This is something that can't be done alone, or not easily at least. And what we learned with Molly is that it's a wonderful thing to include the community of friends and family that love and know you. Something really special happens when a friend gives and prays and then watches a life be redeemed. And although it's uncomfortable for us to ask, and ask and post again. We then think about Wills life, and how uncomfortable he has been and continues to be. Spindabifda, hydrocephalus, a heart condition, in an orphanage, nannies that love him but no family, no mother or father. Enduring surgeries  like what we all watched Molly go through, but now alone.. It's then that our hearts begin to break again and we remember why we are whiling to be uncomfortable and step out of the boat. It's then that we welcome the feeling of being totally dependent on Jesus to make this happen again and then that we find peace knowing that we are walking in his will for our lives.
  Currently we are in the middle of our Give $10 change a life campaign. We are raising $10K in 60 days 1 $10 donation at a time. Today is day 13 and we have raised $1300.00 we are about $722 behind where we need to be right now to stay on track to have the $10K in 60 days. Would you help us? Would you step out of the boat and share with your friends and family? Tell of the orphan named Wills, who needs help to come home to his forever family? We can.not. do this alone. We don't want to do this alone. Here's how you can help;
 Donate $10 through our Donate here button on the main page
 Share our blog and tell a little on faceook about what we're doing or better yet, share our video!
 Then do it again. and again.. and again. Facebook sorts things oddly and it takes several shares sometimes before someone clicks on a link.

 We thank you in advance for your prayers and your donations! We have stepped out once again believing that God is more then able!!

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