There are several slower periods in the adoption process and we are in one now.. I'm thankful for slower because I worked like a crazy person getting our documents ready, reading and doing all of the things we had to do to get ready for our home study, passports, etc. God gave me 2 promises starting this journey and one was that things would go fast, they have but I never want grass to grow under my feet and we have a hold up because of it. That means I try to turn things around as fast as I can. We have finished our home study in record time, have applied for both of our passports, and having to reapply for Hartley's, a couple hic ups on her application including the fact that she had a bow in her hair when the picture was taken, um of course she had a bow in her hair and a big one at that! lol We are waiting on our home study to be finalized and head to Columbia to the DSS office there. We have filled out our Immigration paperwork and it's ready to go, The home study and Immigration paperwork will meet up together at Immigration. Once we get all of that back then we are working on our Dossier. Lifeline already has everything they need for the Dossier minus those two things so once it gets back there they sent it through the state of Alabama to be authenticated and then we are DTC. Dossier to China. We hope to be DTC no later than August 1st but hoping it could be sooner. Then after that we wait to be Logged in , which is normally 30 days, so September 1st then we wait for LOA, Letter of Approval, typically this was taking 90 days to get but for families who are already have PA pre approval they are seeing it come a little sooner like on the 30 day side of things. This "should" be the longest wait for us here on out.. If it really comes in 30 days we'll probably be in China in December, if it comes later it could be February. This part of the process has very little do to with myself or my social worker. No matter how quick I can turn things around I can't make all of that go any faster.. God's timing is perfect but of course we want Molly home with us as soon as possible!! How special to have her here for Christmas!! God is faithful friends and we are believing for just that! As many of you know we are in the middle of a Give $10 change a life campaign. Each day we are asking for $10 donations to raise $10K in 60 days! Today is day 31 and we really really need your help! If you've been reading for a while and wishing you could help sweet Molly, this is what we need! Please share share share share on your social media. Don't just share though talk a little about Molly and why your friends should help? Here is our status from yesterday! Please help us friends! We literally can not do this without you all!! Make sure you share our blog link when you do:)
Day 30 and we have raised $5k and have $5 to go!!!
Give $10 change a life campaign. Raising $10K in 60 days, 1 $10 donation at a time. Would you please donate today & share with your friends?
half way there!! how exciting!! praying sweet friend!